Hayat means life in Arabic and there is so much of it (life) in him!

Hayat Amiree, born at a time and place where love, compassion, and regard to human life had fled from the back door. The world now knows it as the war-torn country but he calls it a ramshackle home for hope.  Yes, it was the Parwan valley in Afghanistan.

Awarded National Youth Icon for Peace 2018 and a TEDx speaker, Mr. Amiree is an energetic and free-spirited individual who has learned to connect and impact lives through candid conversations and powerful communication.

Having played several roles in his capacity as the International Secretary for World Organization of Students and Youth (WOSY) from 2014-16 and an executive member of International Youth Committee (IYC) from 2016-till date, he is committed to fostering young leaders from around the globe. He has also delivered the message of leadership to foster global unity on platforms such as Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad 2016, Indian Student Parliament, and International conference on youth dialogues – Universal Development 2015, World Youth Conference 2016 and the first South Asian Youth Summit 2017. He has also hosted Bangalore’s biggest fest having more than 35k spectators for three consecutive years from 2013 – 2016, International Youth Summit for the Next Gen.World 2016 and Indian Youth Peace Parliament 2017.

Born amidst the war and being a refugee for 25 years of his life, he has been an ardent supporter of Peace and Non-violence and has been diligently active in spreading the message of peace and humanity.  He also works with United Religions Initiative, North India, and Afghanistan, a bridge-building organization among interfaith communities. He has recently been involved with Non-violence Project India, change through education and is a book at the Human Library, Delhi as well where he tells his story of ‘A Refugee From The Ruins’ and talks of the distant land and his constant tryst with life.

It is only a sweet miracle that humor finds its place in his heart. He has a natural flair for public speaking. His panache and encapturing stage presence has managed to let him create lasting bonds with people in the audience.

A refugee from the ruins, he finds home in the warm embrace of the young breed who call themselves global citizens, where he truly belongs!

2 thoughts on “BIOGRAPHY

  1. This Mrs. Smitha.N.S who was working AIGS, Bangalore now i am in sambhram school of MGT. we are organising international SAARC conference in the month of march i would like to invite you please send your email ID. of you and your other friends

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